The Kettlebell Clean, Stop Doing it Wrong!

February 10, 2020

The Kettlebell Clean takes the kettlebell from the floor and into the racked position, on the chest, in one fluid motion.

It should be smooth and not bang the wrist, forearm or chest.

From this racked position you can then: Press, Lunge, Squat, Clean again, Dance a jig or just Rest.

Kettlebell Clean Benefits

The kettlebell clean is great full body exercise that:

  1. Activates most muscles in the body
  2. Can be very cardiovascular if repeated correctly
  3. Is great for fat loss due to all the muscles conditioned
  4. Develops strong and explosive hips for sports
  5. Has a great hormonal response if performed with a heavier kettlebell
  6. Can be used as a segue into so many other kettlebell exercises

If you are serious about kettlebell training then the kettlebell clean should not be ignored and must be mastered.

What Muscles does the Kettlebell Clean Work?

The Kettlebell Clean hits most of muscles of the body making it a huge fat burning and strength building exercise.

Kettlebell Clean Muscles Worked Front
Kettlebell Clean Muscles Worked Back

Just some of the muscles used during the kettlebell clean:

  • Quadriceps muscles
  • Hamstring muscles
  • Glutes (buttocks) muscles
  • Core muscles
  • Trapezius muscles
  • Rhomboid muscles
  • Deltoids muscles and more…

It’s based off the deadlift movement pattern so just like the Swing and Snatch it works heavily into the back of the body making it a great counterbalance to all the sitting many of us do all day.

Why You’re Banging Your Wrists When You Kettlebell Clean

The kettlebell clean, just like all the other deadlift movements, comes from the hips.

It is that explosive little HIP SNAP that sends the kettlebell up and on its way to the chest.

It is not an arm exercise.

You could have arms like pencils and still Clean a heavy kettlebell

3 Important steps:

  1. Keep the kettlebell close to the body and send it up in a straight line.
  2. Always take the arm around the kettlebell, NOT the kettlebell around the arm.
  3. Imagine clenching a large book under your armpit and then zipping up your jacket

Watch the video below to help improve your kettlebell clean technique:

Conclusions of the Kettlebell Clean

The Clean is an important full body kettlebell exercise that can be used by itself or as part of a more complex sequence.

You should master the deadlift and swing before attempting the clean as they all come from the all important hip hinge.

Start with the basic dead clean above before progressing on to the more complex variations of the movement.

Work up to 60 seconds of cleans on each side.

Have fun practicing the kettlebell clean!




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